Monday, January 25, 2010

The Gingrich File

As I was reading Internet news one day recently, I came across an item in which Newt Gingrich proclaimed that if he ran in 2012, he would be one of the favorites to win the Republican nomination. In 1995, after the revolution, he may have had a point. In 2010 and beyond, Mr Gingrich doesn't have a prayer. Shortly after the 1994 revolution, Gingrich very quickly fell into the Washington trap of power and privilege and did things that took his effectiveness away. Since Gingrich left the House, he has done numerous things to position himself as the conservative we were all looking for, speeches, books, television appearances... But then once again, he did things that showed he is not a conservative, but a politician trying to "position" himself as an enlightened Republican. Two recent events have solidified that: His position on global warming,

And his support for Dierdre Scozzafava in NY 23,

After she dropped out...

He's done.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The New Obama Populism

After Republican Scott Brown pulled off the improbable drubbing of democrat Martha Cokely in the most blue state in the nation, Team Omnipotent said from now on, they would attack all of their key issues from a "populist" angle.  We'll let's look at who that populism might be targeted at:

Republicans? Nope

Bankers? Nope

President Barack Obama wasn’t in a mood to hear them out. He stopped the conversation and offered a blunt reminder of the public’s reaction to such explanations. “Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn’t buying that.”

“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”…

“The only way they could have sent a more Spartan message is if they had served bread along with the water,” says a person who attended the meeting. “The signal from Obama’s body language and demeanor was, ‘I’m the president, and you’re not.’”…

The president spoke of public outrage over the high flying executive lifestyle. “The anger gentlemen, is real,” Obama said. He urged pay reform and said rewards must be proportional and balanced, and tied to the health and success of the company.

Chrysler bondholders-or people who oppose Obama? Nope

Anyone who doesn't support Obama? Nope.

News network that isn't in the tank for Obama and it's viewers? Nope

People who support knowing what is in the bills taking control of their health care? Nope

Tea Party participants? Nope

Religious people or gun owners? Nope

Pickup Truck owners? Nope

Not many people left other than left wing nut jobs and the foreign leaders he keeps bowing to. Good luck with that populism thing!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Downfall of America

This exemplifies who the democrat party is and, with groups like ACORN, shows their blatant, and increasingly public, desire to bring about the fall our our republic to achieve their goals.  One of which is I guess, bringing down the republic.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Is There A Pattern Here?

If 78% of the residents of Washington DC want to retain the School voucher program and the Obama administration goes against them...If 67% of the residents of Arkansas are against the Obamacare plan and their Senator votes for it...If 63% of the residents of Nebraska are against the Obamacare plan and their Senator votes for it...If 63% of the nation is against the Obamacare plan and the house and Senate vote for it...If 57% of the nation is against the bailouts and 56% are against the stimulus and Congress still votes for them...The question must be posed:  Does our current government resemble the representative Republic that our founders established, or does it more resemble the  rubber-stamp Reichstag led by Adolf Hitler in the 1930's?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Wish I Was So Lucky

It must be a wonderful feeling knowing that if you are a liberal, you can say ANYTHING, no matter how ludicrous, and no one will call you on it.