Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who is John Galt?

Some examples of the takers of this country in all their glory:

Shaggy in between Scooby Doo movies(some language):

Barack Obama 2012 Precinct Chairpeople!

Who are the takers?

Watch until the end of this one:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Commie Pinkoes!!

Read this article through a link on Drudge, Good Gravy:
Stacy Mitchell.
Senior Researcher, Institute for Local Self-Reliance Another Shocking Fact About the Walmart Heirs Posted: 12/ 9/11 02:32 PM ET

The Waltons currently own 49 percent of Walmart stock. That's right. The six Waltons, heirs to Walmart founder Sam Walton, not only have a net worth equal to the combined wealth of the bottom 30 percent of Americans, as we learned this week from University of California economist Sylvia Allegretto, but they also own and control nearly half of Walmart, the world's largest corporation. That's an astounding fact. Last year, Walmart had sales of $422 billion and generated $16 billion in profits. That's quite a cash stream for a single family to be able to dip into, year after year. While one could argue that other wealthy corporate founders made their money by producing something that benefited society as whole -- the founders of Google, Apple, and Microsoft, for example, introduced products that fueled the creation of many new businesses and jobs -- that's not the case with the Waltons. Sure, Walmart built a more efficient system for distributing goods, but that accounts for only a small portion of its profits. The main way the Waltons got their wealth is by squeezing workers at every point along Walmart's supply chain. The Waltons are a fitting face for the 1% (actually the 0.000006%), because Walmart has arguably done more than any other company to undermine the American middle class and force an ever-growing share of the population into working poverty. As Walmart has grown, it has eviscerated two key pillars of the middle class -- small business owners, who have lost their livelihoods by the tens of thousands, and union-wage manufacturing workers, more than 3 million of whom have seen their jobs shipped to low-wage countries, thanks largely to pressure from Walmart and other big-box retailers. In exchange for all the family-supporting jobs Walmart has take away, all it has given us in return are very low-wage jobs working in its stores. The average Walmart worker makes just $8.81 an hour, data from IBISWorld show, and requires $943 a year in Medicaid and other public assistance, according to information from the state of Ohio. This is how the Waltons made their billions and, indeed, continue to profit every time someone shops at Walmart.
Stacy Mitchell is the author of Big-Box Swindle and is a senior researcher with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, where she directs initiatives on independent business and community banking. You can follow her on Twitter.
Well, well, well Stacy, where do I start? Heaven forbid the family that started the company own the company! What kind of socialist drugs are you taking. Evil Wal-Mart has killed small business?? Really?? What really is frustratin­g is the deception that anti-capit­alist liberals like you continuall­y use. Here's how it worked: Wal-Mart opened it's doors, and people chose, yes CHOSE, of their own free will, to shop there. Then they expanded, and more people CHOSE to shop there. Then they expanded again, and more and more people CHOSE to shop there. The side effect of these choices is that they CHOSE not to shop at other places. Basic scarcity and opportunit­y cost. Who are the vast majority of people who shop there?? Why your beloved 99% of course. I'm waiting for you 99%ers to camp out at the White House. All things combined, where do you figure your little man Barack and and his queen rank? They are the richest of the rich. Go get 'em baby!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I've always loved the Michael Moore's and Sean Penn's of this country that think every other country is better than ours. We all know the reality of that, but the compliant media always helps them paint the same picture. This video paints the truth!


A proper salute to the worst president in United States history!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We are the make or break stages of the Alinsky end game

I watch this and, anger, disbelief, and understanding fills me. The clarity came before this, but this might be the best example I have seen of the smugness of those who worship at the decomposed feet of Saul Alinsky. They have developed a compliant media that allows them to say anything they wish and even a unbelieving interviewer will be polite and on the defensive with an Alinsky acolyte like Dick Durbin. This will end in total victory for the Alinskyites that make up the breadth and width of this administration and their stooges in congress and the media, or it will end in total immolation of everything they have worked for for the last 50 years. They know this is it and is why they keep pressing forward. Watch in horror:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

America's Mayor-Michael Bloomberg

Forever irked that Rudy Guliani is considered "America's Mayor" for what he did during and after the 9/11 Terrorist attacks, Michael Bloomberg has issued a fatwah that he will be America's Mayor at all costs. Along these lines, the Mayor has launched a sting operation in Arizona to protect the citizens of New York City from the mass of "gun show guns" that infiltrate his city and cause massive amounts of violence. He has proven that thugs who try to get around the glorious gun laws of New York do so by driving 80 hours round trip or plunking down a few hundred dollars and flying 8 hours round trip to pick up a handgun so that they can rob their nearest 7-11 immediately upon their return. He also proved that some of the illicit "gun show guns" drive or fly themselves from Arizona and locate a thug who doesn't have the means to drive or fly there and convince them to adopt the gun at which point the gun convinces the otherwise law abiding thug to commit crime. Said one unnamed thug, "I sat here day after day not knowing how I was going to be able to find a gun to rob someone. I was at my wits end and thinking about looking for a job. Then, I heard there were these gun shows in the AZ, that barely checked anything. So I went a stole me a car, splashed and dashed at the gas station and robbed the ATM. I was all set for 3 days of driving to get me to the AZ!" said the thug. Fortunately Mayor Bloomberg has alerted us all to the ease of NYC thugs obtaining these guns, which will allow the NYC City council to enact a ban on the use of Arizona gun show guns in the commission of crimes in NYC. Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona announced her gratitude to Mayor Bloomberg in a statement which read, "Bloomberg is such a Nancy girl!"
In further news, Mayor Bloomberg is set to announce the results of a new sting in which he has exposed the source of illicit salt entering New York City. Says the Mayor, "For too long we have fought the war on salt in my fair city. The people of New York have been subjected to increased high blood pressure and hypertension by the malicious mining of salt from beneath Lake Erie. We call on the governor of Ohio, and residents of the region to issue better screening requirements for those loathsome profiteers looking to make a buck on the back of the people who eat in this country by poisoning their food with salt." Governor Kasich responded by saying, "Bloomberg is such a Nancy girl."