Monday, December 17, 2012

Evil in America

Paul Harvey from 1965. Our Priest read this verbatim in church Sunday. While the libs and media will spend the next year using the tragedy in Newton to attempt to ban guns, Father Cebula knows what the essence of that story and many stories across our country are: Satan is continuing to weave his web in America. The media will never discuss this evil as part of these stories, because to recognize the evil of Satan in our country goes against everything they believe. They believe there is no God. God requires things. They want no requirements placed on them. They believe all men can be subjugated to their wishes if they have no God to tell them otherwise. They will decide what is good and what is evil. And in modern America, what has always been good is bad and what has always been bad is now good. Make the state man's god and man can be controlled. Those of us who believe will never be controlled by man, nor will the evil. Only the followers of God can rise up and stop evil in this world. Government and the media can only help Satan stay in the ballgame. And in this, they are giving their full effort.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

"My Plan Worked!"

When we watch the speech in which Obama claims his plan worked, we all scratch our heads and wonder just WTF he is talking about. But, we must realize that he has always laid out for us exactly what he was going to do and this is just a celebration of his success. "I will fundamentally transform this country." The transformation of our country into not something we all envision, but into something Obama and the socialist, communist, atheist friends of his have been working towards for the last 100 years is nearly complete. We are all soon to be dependent on our new masters for our existence.


This is like catching a little kid with his hand in the cookie jar, and he tries to tell you it wasn't him, it was his sister. Amazing how brazen these people are. Now his own words: Brazen

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Democrat War on Moms, Motherhood, and Women!

What do liberals and democrats really think about women, motherhood, and children? Watch and learn:

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Master Plan

What this video describes is a part of the master plan. This is reminiscent of what Hitler learned and exercised after his setback caused by the beer hall pustch. Rather than force people to do something, which may result in anger and a pushback, convince them to do it to themselves. In his case, the elevation of Hilter to power by the free choice of the people. While this is not a discussion of whether Obama and his team are Hitler, it is a discussion of the use of the people against themselves. From global cooling in the 70's to global warming now and many other "threats" to our existence, they continue to feed us the "evil things" we are doing to the planet and to each other and then sit back and wait until we do exactly what they want us to do by our own choice. Then end result will be placing others in total control of every decision we make, which is exactly what they want.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Democrat Playbook

This sums up the Obama campaign for the next 6 months. He is the worst President in history and has not one positive accomplishment to run on. He will continue the Clinton originated style of dividing Americans by race, class, religion, and demagogue. He will never discuss his exponential debt accumulation, his ramming though of Obamacare, that no one still wants, his dismantling of the military...Never. The media will comply and allow him to do this. Just watch this RNC video and realize as you watch the next six months, that he is trying to fool enough idiots to vote for him to get reelected.