Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Democrat War on Moms, Motherhood, and Women!

What do liberals and democrats really think about women, motherhood, and children? Watch and learn:

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Master Plan

What this video describes is a part of the master plan. This is reminiscent of what Hitler learned and exercised after his setback caused by the beer hall pustch. Rather than force people to do something, which may result in anger and a pushback, convince them to do it to themselves. In his case, the elevation of Hilter to power by the free choice of the people. While this is not a discussion of whether Obama and his team are Hitler, it is a discussion of the use of the people against themselves. From global cooling in the 70's to global warming now and many other "threats" to our existence, they continue to feed us the "evil things" we are doing to the planet and to each other and then sit back and wait until we do exactly what they want us to do by our own choice. Then end result will be placing others in total control of every decision we make, which is exactly what they want.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Democrat Playbook

This sums up the Obama campaign for the next 6 months. He is the worst President in history and has not one positive accomplishment to run on. He will continue the Clinton originated style of dividing Americans by race, class, religion, and demagogue. He will never discuss his exponential debt accumulation, his ramming though of Obamacare, that no one still wants, his dismantling of the military...Never. The media will comply and allow him to do this. Just watch this RNC video and realize as you watch the next six months, that he is trying to fool enough idiots to vote for him to get reelected.