Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Enemy Within

On January 20th, America let the enemy in the door. We can't imagine him not being our friend. We can't imagine him not wanting the best for us. We can't imagine him wanting us to fail. These are things that Americans, as eternal optimists, don't possess the ability to admit to ourselves. But it's there. The enemy has entered our house, like the vampire movies of old. We were safe as long as we didn't invite him in. Now there is nothing we can do until we have driven a symbolic stake throught the heart of his philisophical beliefs. The America that the founders gave of was one of liberty, freedom. Freedom to succeed or fail. Freedom to be. When declaring our independence from the tyranny of King George, Thomas Jefferson wrote this, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The PURSUIT of happiness. Our founders did not GUARANTEE happiness, only the ability, thorough our liberty, to pursue whatgeach of us deem to be our version of happiness. For many decades, but now culminating with "the rising" our government has moved to guarantee "happiness." If you have the nerve to have found happiness, you are doing that at the expense of those who are not happy. As such, the government has decided that your happiness needs to be diminished to make those who are not as happy, feel better. All of our institutions are under attack to make this happen. The government, led by Barack Obama and his minions, are very swiftly creating a fascist dictatorship. Fascism? Isn't that a little extreme?? Here's the definition of fascism:
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship. What part of that definition doesn't fit the current administration?


Love this song. Especially the chorus, for obvious reasons.

Massillon Football

This was the end. It just wasn't meant to be this season. Glenville was loaded, but we could have gotten the job done.

Massillon Football

It was a fun season. Fourteen weeks is a long time, but it was worth it. This game was one of the better moments in my life. Beating McKinley beats everything!!

North Myrtle Beach and Cigars

This is why North Myrtle Beach and Cigars are two of my favorite things!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stand Up Now

America is at a crossroad. Will we let the vision of our Founders fade away?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Scary on SO many levels!

This woman epitomizes everything that is wrong with our current "leadership." Incompetence-She can't seriously be third in line for the presidency or running the House of Representatives can she. Elitism-The confidence to know that she is fully able to come out and hold multiple press conferences in which she says something that is immediately proven to be a fabrication, without consequence due to a compliant media. Obfuscation-It was the CIA's fault. It was George Bush's fault. It was Dick Cheney's fault. Again with a fully compliant media, the question is being asked today in news outlets, "Did the CIA lie?"

Shazaam!! I never made the connection Mr. Obvious!!

Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’

By Roger Runningen and Hans Nichols

May 14 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama, calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries.
“We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, outside Albuquerque. “We have to pay interest on that debt, and that means we are mortgaging our children’s future with more and more debt.”
Holders of U.S. debt will eventually “get tired” of buying it, causing interest rates on everything from auto loans to home mortgages to increase, Obama said. “It will have a dampening effect on our economy.”
Earlier this week, the Obama administration revised its own budget estimates and raised the projected deficit for this year to a record $1.84 trillion, up 5 percent from the February estimate. The revision for the 2010 fiscal year estimated the deficit at $1.26 trillion, up 7.4 percent from the February figure. The White House Office of Management and Budget also projected next year’s budget will end up at $3.59 trillion, compared with the $3.55 trillion it estimated previously.
Two weeks ago, the president proposed $17 billion in budget cuts, with plans to eliminate or reduce 121 federal programs. Republicans ridiculed the amount, saying that it represented one-half of 1 percent of the entire budget. They noted that Obama is seeking an $81 billion increase in other spending.

This guy talks about it like it's someone else doing the spending.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Absolutely one of my favorite all time songs lyrically(pay particular attention to the chorus) and one of my favorite videos. Thank God for our fighting men and women.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Massillon Tiger Football

As one of my favorite subjects, I will continue to revisit it to please me and enlighten my readers who might not be clear as to who the world's dominant football program is.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As I watched Nickelodeon's "Kids Choice Awards," I was amazed at the brazenness of the left's continued indoctrination of our youth. Leonardo Dicaprio received the Big Green Help Award. His prepared thank you speech included the following: "Right now, our mother — our mother — all of our mothers, Mother Earth is hurting,” said Leonardo DiCaprio. “And she needs a generation of thoughtful, caring and active kids like all of you to protect her for the future. You can help us win the battle to clean up our air, our water, our land, to protect our forests, our oceans and our wildlife.” Sorry, but my Mother is not mother earth. But if we can make the kids believe that mother earth trumps our own mothers, we can mold them into any shape we want!! This reminded me of any earlier quote along the same lines: "This morning we were told at the assembly that our parents are nice, old-fashioned people who don't understand the new ways of thinking. We should leave them alone and not bother. We are the hope of the nation, the hope of the whole world." Recognize that one? If you're thinking Al Gore, you're wrong. This is a quote from Maria Augusta Trapp, in "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers," described how the Nazis de-Christianized their schools and trained students to scorn their parents values. Here is the rest of her quote: "The teacher said Jesus was only a naughty Jewish boy Who ran away from his parents. That's all. ... In school we are not permitted to sing any religious songs with the name of Christ or Christmas. We can hardly sing any Bach for that reason." Sound familiar? Here now is the recent Al Gore quote: "There are some things about our world that you know that older people don't know," he continued. "Why would that be? Well in a period of rapid change, the old assumptions sometimes just don’t work anymore because they're out of date," Gore said. Schools across this country continue to show Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth." This movie is so factually inaccurate that the British High Court ruled that it can only be shown with guidance notes to prevent political indoctrination. To be clear, Britain is about as liberal on Global Warming as you can get. Here in America, teachers continue to show it unfiltered. Why? Specifically, to indoctrinate the young. Hitler learned after his failed attempt to seize power in Germany that you don't destroy democracy and in essence freedom by violence. You destroy it from within through the acquiescence of the people. The young are the easiest to help accomplish this.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Massillon Tiger Football

Is there anyplace better than Massillon?? Absolutely NOT!

Top 10 High School Football Rivalries

Josh Katzowitz
Special to Rivals High

1. Massillon Washington vs. Canton McKinley

No matter the records the Tigers and Bulldogs do not like one another
This game is so big, it - unlike so many rivalries on this list - doesn't need a special nickname.

The two names of the school say it all.

This year's meeting will be the 117th matchup of a rivalry that began in 1894, and it's a game that is always played on Saturday afternoon in the last weekend of the regular season.

The Ohio communities sit about seven miles apart – think Duke-North Carolina in basketball – and both focus their energy the entire week of the game into topping their counterparts.

This game is so big, it is the only high school football game that gets a betting line in Las Vegas.

Massillon at McKinley @ Rivals Video

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Prostration of America

Anybody but me notice that since Obama was elected he has tried his hardest to make America look like the weakest country on earth that deserves none of it's greatness? Whether it's sending love letters or please don't hate me videos to Iran, or ANNOUNCING ahead of time that there is NOTHING we will do about North Korea launching a missile, or apologizing to all of the G20 for, well, everything, it's been disgusting. The worst though might have been him BOWING to the Saudi King. I'm reminded of an incident at the opening ceremony for the 1908 Olympics, at which a man named Martin Sheridan was to be the American flag bearer. Martin Sheridan was a Patrolman with the New York City Police Dept at the time. It was felt that with his strong Irish feelings, Patrolman Sheridan would not show proper respect to the King of England during the “Parade of Nations.”Protocol of the day was to dip a country’s flag as it passed the royal review stand. Irish American Ralph Rose was selected as his replacement. It is said that another Irish American named Matthew McGrath then told Ralph Rose “dip that flag and you’ll be in a hospital tonight.” Needless to say, the flag was not dipped which caused an international incident. During a news conference Martin Sheridan spoke for the entire Olympic team and said “this flag dips for no earthly king” as he pointed at the Stars and Stripes. This is still done today. Unless you are Barack Obama, then you just dip yourself.

UPDATE FROM "THE MESSIAH SAYS IT IS SO" DEPARTMENT: The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.
"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bailout Mania

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.-

Sun Tzu, the Art of War

We are at war in America. It's a civil war and most of us aren't aware or are too oblivious to care. We are on an orchestrated path to socialism. Not European Socialism as some are rationalizing, but unadulterated total governmental control of our lives. Fascism might be a more apt description. The word economy will be out of the lexicon, because their will be no economy. This is all woven deeply into the flooding of money from the government to as many entities and individuals as possible in the quickest possible way. With the acceptance of federal dollars comes the ability to dictate conditions attached to those dollars. I don't believe constitutionally the executive branch has the ability to do this, but no one challenges them, so it becomes common law. As the Obama administration weaves their tentacles into the economy, they are using Sun Tzu's art of deception. AIG outrage is the prime example of this in practice. The democrat congress overwhelmingly passed a "stimulus package" that had inserted in it language that specifically allowed the bonuses to be paid, knew about it well ahead of time, and loudly feigned outrage and unconstitutional punitive measures against those who collected their approved bonuses. This administration has been a flurry of activity to implement it's socialist agenda as fast as possible before people can react to it. Once anything is implemented by government, it NEVER goes away. Obama knows this. The socialists know this. George Soros knows this. So distract. Deceive. Don't allow a full examination of anything that is being implemented. Move it through, blitzkrieg style, and force the opponents to push it all the way back. We are in the most dangerous time in possibly our history. America is on the brink of changing in ways that will make it unrecognizable. This must be stopped.

The Landscape

This blog is about the landscape as I see it before me. From politics, values, economics, to my daily life with my family. Hopefully you see something you enjoy and something that will make you think.
