All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.-
Sun Tzu, the Art of War
We are at war in America. It's a civil war and most of us aren't aware or are too oblivious to care. We are on an orchestrated path to socialism. Not European Socialism as some are rationalizing, but unadulterated total governmental control of our lives. Fascism might be a more apt description. The word economy will be out of the lexicon, because their will be no economy. This is all woven deeply into the flooding of money from the government to as many entities and individuals as possible in the quickest possible way. With the acceptance of federal dollars comes the ability to dictate conditions attached to those dollars. I don't believe constitutionally the executive branch has the ability to do this, but no one challenges them, so it becomes common law. As the Obama administration weaves their tentacles into the economy, they are using Sun Tzu's art of deception. AIG outrage is the prime example of this in practice. The democrat congress overwhelmingly passed a "stimulus package" that had inserted in it language that specifically allowed the bonuses to be paid, knew about it well ahead of time, and loudly feigned outrage and unconstitutional punitive measures against those who collected their approved bonuses. This administration has been a flurry of activity to implement it's socialist agenda as fast as possible before people can react to it. Once anything is implemented by government, it NEVER goes away. Obama knows this. The socialists know this. George Soros knows this. So distract. Deceive. Don't allow a full examination of anything that is being implemented. Move it through, blitzkrieg style, and force the opponents to push it all the way back. We are in the most dangerous time in possibly our history. America is on the brink of changing in ways that will make it unrecognizable. This must be stopped.
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